Before we pray, I would like to share a few thoughts with you. In the highest sense of the word, prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul; it is daily admission of one’s self to God; it is better than the blood of sacrifices.
Prayer is not offered. It is a fullness, and it is always accepted. Prayer is not meditation. It is a torrent of feeling; it meets God in love, not in duty; it will always find Him ready to listen, with ears open and heart open. Isaiah 65:24 says, that before we call on Him, He will answer. Prayer is not a confession. It is the soul-baring its deepest wounds to its best Friend. It is an utterance of the heart; it is a cry of need, not laying our wants before God; rather, it opens our hearts so He may lay His blessings upon us.
The second part of the same verse says that while we are speaking, He will hear us. This is a clear indication that prayer is not petition. It is the child coming to its father. It is the soul coming to God, not with a list of requests, but with the request that He should make us what we need. Prayer is not intercession. It is rather a looking up of the heart to God and asking that we may have His mind, will, and Spirit. It is a renunciation of self so that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.
1 Corinthians 2:16 says, “We have the mind of Christ.” When we pray, we are not to think that we are presenting our petitions to a reluctant God. We are rather opening our hearts that He may pour in His blessings. Prayer is not faith, although it includes faith. It is rather the expression of our faith. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee.” This is a promise to all who pray. God is with us and will never leave or forsake us. Our faith is based on His promise, and our prayer is the expression of that faith. The verse goes on to say that He will strengthen us with His right hand. This is the hand of His power, and it is extended to us in our daily life.
When we pray, we invite God to come into our lives and to take control. We are surrendering ourselves to His will and His purpose for our lives. We are asking Him to lead us and guide us on the path that He has prepared for us. This is a path of righteousness and peace, and it is the only path that leads to true happiness and fulfillment.
Prayer is not a monologue; it is a dialogue. It is not only us talking to God, but it is a conversation between God and us. We listen to His voice as He speaks to us through His Word, and we respond to Him in prayer. We tell Him our needs, and we listen for His voice as He speaks to us about His plans for our lives.
Now let us pray.
A Morning Prayer To Start Your Day
Heavenly Father, we come before You today with grateful hearts. We thank You for Your love and Your mercy, and we thank You for the gift of prayer. We come before you in heartfelt thanks for watching over our lives. Thank you for being our haven and the steadfast sanctuary; we appreciate your protection.
We surrender our lives to You today, and we ask that You would lead us and guide us on the path of righteousness. We ask that You would give us Your wisdom and understanding so that we may know Your will for our lives. We pray for Your strength and courage so that we may walk boldly in faith. And we pray that our lives would be a testimony of Your love and grace.
We thank You for the many blessings You have given us, and we ask that You would continue to pour out Your blessings upon us. We ask that You would provide for our needs, both spiritual and physical. Lead us in the way of righteousness and peace, and fill our hearts with Your love and Your Spirit. We appreciate all of your kindness and mercies, and we ask for your mighty hand of protection.
We pray for Your healing touch in our lives and Your provision for all of our needs. May we ever be mindful of Your love and Your grace, and may we live our lives in a way that is worthy of Your name. The Bible is our daily bread, and we ask that You would use it to nourish our souls. Help us to hunger for Your Word, and help us to feast on it daily. May it sink deep into our hearts, and may we apply it to our lives in everything that we do.
We pray for the lost, both near and far. We pray that You would draw them into Your arms of love and that You would save them from their sin. We pray for those who are struggling with addiction, and we ask that You would set them free. We pray for those who are brokenhearted and hurting, and we ask that You would bring healing to their lives. Please be with us this day, and bless us in all that we do.
Lord Jesus Christ, we are aware that our battle is not with flesh and blood but with principalities, spiritual wickedness in high places, and the powers of darkness. We, therefore, take our stand against every form of evil, and we claim the victory that is ours through You. We bind the enemy in the name of Jesus, and we declare that he has no power over us. We put on all of God’s armor so that we can withstand the devil’s tricks. We take up the shield of faith and quench every flaming dart he hurls at us. We don the helmets of salvation and wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. We are more than conquerors through You; we give You all the glory and honor.
Father God, we also lift our brothers and sisters facing difficult times. We pray for those who are sick, and we ask that You would heal them. We pray for those who are grieving, and we ask that You would comfort them. For those facing financial difficulties, we ask that You would meet their needs. For those who are struggling with depression, we ask that You would give them hope. And Lord, this serves as a reminder of how much we need your heavenly protection. So please continue to keep us safe in the palm of your hand as we walk through this life. We are so grateful for all that You have done for us, and we praise Your Holy name.
Thank you for listening to our prayer, and we give you all the glory and honor.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Hi, I’m Robert Jones, the passionate soul behind the words at As a writer and devout believer, my journey has been an exploration of faith, prayer, and the profound impact of Christian living.