The sin of masturbation is very real. You can try some of the following biblical ways to stop masturbating and overcome this sin.
Today, we are living in a very promiscuous society. In a society where many are led astray by the sins of the flesh, the church’s teachings and the Bible have been forgotten because of sexual iniquities. When the word ‘masturbation’ is mentioned in the church or the community, most people respond with shock, disgust, and condemnation. No one wants to talk about the issue. But then, we don’t talk about many things in the church due to the pain, discomfort, and shame associated with issues such as these.
Awkward or not, masturbation is a hot topic we cannot ignore as Christians. Many members of our congregations and neighborhood groups suffer from this sin in silence. They hide their dirty secrets from the world, family, friends, and church. Many feel so ashamed that they cannot face their friends and family; this has caused many to live in severe loneliness and isolation. When they try to approach someone with a problem, they are only met with rejection and dislike.
The sin of masturbation is very real and affects many people. But there are treatments available to help deal with this issue, including the teachings of the Bible and spiritual counseling. If you are struggling with this sin and think there is no hope for you, or perhaps you know someone who is struggling, you can try some of the following biblical steps to overcome the sin of masturbation.
Biblical Ways To Stop Masturbating
1. Understand that the Bible Proscribe Masturbation
Even though the word masturbation is not mentioned in the Bible, the Bible condemns sexual sins (1 Corinthians 6:9) because it is a sin against the body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and a sin committed against your own body. The Bible is clear when it states that sexual sins are ‘unclean. It teaches us that God created sex for married couples to enjoy within the sanctity of marriage and should involve a man and a woman who are married to each other. If you associate sexual pleasures with yourself, you are going against the teachings of the Bible.
Masturbation involves fantasizing about sex or sex with someone who is not your spouse. It also involves looking at sexual material such as pornography or websites to stimulate yourself. This indicates that you are straying from the ideal marriage and committing sexual sins. Sexual fantasies expressed through masturbation are a form of adultery, no matter who you’re fantasizing about. Exodus 20:14 condemns adultery. This is a sin that no one should participate in, whether alone or with another person.
In the Bible, authors frequently use generalizations rather than specifics when discussing issues of sex and marriage. The sin of masturbation is, however, addressed by Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and Timothy. Even though the Bible does not specifically address masturbation directly, it condemns this sin.
2. Don’t Try to Justify This Sin with Weird Mental Tricks
People frequently utilize strange justifications in their minds to get past this and engage in self-indulgence. The justifications that people use are mental tricks that help them feel better about breaking God’s laws. Some argue that they don’t think about anyone when they masturbate, but this is impossible. The sexual thoughts you have while masturbating are a form of adultery (Matthew 5:27-28). Even if you’re not thinking about a specific person, you’re still fantasizing about sex, which is a sin.
Another justification that people use is the “it’s just me” argument. This justification is particularly common among teenagers and young adults. Just because you’re the only one involved in the act doesn’t make it okay. You are still breaking God’s laws by masturbating. Additionally, this justification can lead to further problems down the road as it can be a gateway to more sinful behavior such as sexual addiction, pornography addiction, and other perverse sexual sins.
A final justification that some people use is that they will never have sex, so it doesn’t matter if they masturbate. This is an incredibly selfish way of looking at things and goes against the very nature of Christianity. God wants us to be selfless, not selfish. If you find yourself using any of these tactics, you should repent and ask forgiveness from God because they are all lies.
3. Don’t Engage in This Sin
The best way to fight the sin of masturbation is to not engage in it at all. This is easier said than done, but it is possible with God’s help. If you are someone who struggles with this sin, you should start by committing to God that you will not engage in it anymore. This is the first and most important step.
If you are someone who is looking to break free from this sin, there are a few things that you can do to help yourself. First, you should avoid any situation that might lead you to masturbate. This means avoiding anything that might trigger sexual thoughts or make you feel more comfortable with your mental ability to engage in sexual thoughts. Second, you should find something else to do such as exercising, reading a book or spending time with friends. Focus on those things that bring you joy and fill you with fulfillment. The journey to break free from this sin is one unlike no other, and it is not going to be easy.
4. Be Mindful that Christ is Your Savior
Jesus Christ is the ultimate sin fighter, and he can also help you fight this particular sin. When we think about Christ, it is easy to start thinking that he died on the cross because of our sins. We then begin to feel guilty and ashamed of our sins because they are so horrible that they caused an innocent man to die. However, this is not what Jesus died for at all.
When we are born again as Christians, we become new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). We have a new heart and spirit that God uses to help us overcome sin. Romans chapters 8 and 11 teach us that we are not slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness. This means we must learn how to fight against the sin of masturbation and engage in righteousness by seeking God’s face and His will for us.
Lastly, you should never forget that the savior Jesus Christ paid for our sins with His blood so that we can be forgiven and no longer have to struggle with these kinds of sins. He also died so we would not have to remain in bondage to our sins. Jesus gave his life for you and me. He loves you and calls you by grace. I pray you will commit your life to the Lord and ask forgiveness for your sins. Surrender yourself to Jesus Christ, and let Him take you by the arms and lead you through this difficult journey to live a life full of joy, peace, and satisfaction in God.
5. Never Give Up
This is the most difficult sin to overcome. It is easy to fall back into when you feel like you have been making progress. You should never give up on yourself or give up on God. God has a plan for your life, but you must be willing to follow him and walk through this difficult journey. The truth is that this sin will be there forever until we go to heaven, so we should learn how to fight it from the beginning. Don’t give up, and don’t give in. We cannot lose, so we must press forward in Christ with perseverance.
After watching this script, you do not have to continue engaging in the sin of masturbation. The best thing you can do is commit to God that you will not engage in it anymore, and then get started on learning how to fight this sin. Remember, God’s grace is sufficient for you, and many paths lead to repentance and a life full of joy and peace with God.

Hi, I’m Robert Jones, the passionate soul behind the words at As a writer and devout believer, my journey has been an exploration of faith, prayer, and the profound impact of Christian living.