The process of finding work can be a bit intimidating for some. Our skills and overall value pertaining to whatever job we apply for are literally being weighed on a scale. And, we cross our fingers hoping to get that callback.
I can tell you now that staring at your email and phone won’t take much of the stress and anticipation away. Having faith in your abilities and in God will serve you greatly in manifesting that new job you want. Of course, it goes without saying that God is the ultimate decider in whether you get the job you’re applying for or not.
But, I always find it incredibly effective when I say a prayer before my job interviews to increase the chances of me getting the job.
* They say that God has a sense of humor. And, when we are too general in our prayers, we may find ourselves in a worse situation than we started out with. So, be as specific as possible when you pray. The last thing you want is to pray for a job interview only to land a job interview and not the job. Or, even worse, you don’t want to end up with a job you absolutely hate.
* Always be grateful and mean it. When you have faith that your prayers are already coming to fruition, you don’t have to pretend to be grateful. The gratitude you feel towards God will be authentically evident. Visualizing and/or imagining a successful job interview and even getting the job you want will help boost your faith during this process.
* Go do a puzzle or something. Seriously, has someone ever asked you to do something for them and just hovered over your shoulder waiting for it to get done? Don’t micromanage God. Give him a bit of time and remember everything happens in Divine timing – not your time.
* Believe it. This one should be a given, but faith is something so many people struggle with. Know that your amazing new job is on the way and that God is about to bless you with a windfall of money and success in your career. If you have any special faith-building exercises, it’s a great idea to do these before you pray to get rid of any self-talk that may counter what you are working to manifest.
Dear God,
I thank you for all the great things you have brought into my life. You’ve blessed me with many experiences, some being tribulations which still were a blessing to me as everything you’ve given me has helped me to become a better person. In my immense faith in you, I trust that all my needs are met and that my wants are surmounted by your will for my life. I trust your righteous judgment with the understanding and faith that you know what is best for me.
If it is in your will that I get this job, I say that your will be done. As a child of God, I understand that I already have all that I need as you provide me the opportunities to manifest abundance, prosperity, wealth, and happiness. I say that my new job brings me fulfillment in my career and work life. God, I say that you take any feelings of lack, inadequacy, and incompetence away. Renew my mind so that it knows great joy, growth, progress, and continuous success.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. God, renew my Soul that I may lay in green pastures of wealth and abundance. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I do so confidently knowing that I am triumphant over all obstacles that are present. You anoint my head with oil and I am blessed with your high favor. My cup runs over with ever-flowing success and financial security. Surely goodness, mercy, and all your wonderful blessings shall follow me all the days of my life. Amen.
Saying this prayer before your job interview will definitely give you an extra boost of confidence and assurance, knowing everything is aligning for your highest good to bring you the job you deserve. Feel free to end your prayer with scripture that most resonates with you.

Hi, I’m Robert Jones, the passionate soul behind the words at As a writer and devout believer, my journey has been an exploration of faith, prayer, and the profound impact of Christian living.