Navigate the Christian journey with insights on how to prevent burning with sexual desire. Discover practical tips for embracing purity and fostering spiritual growth.
We’re all human, and we all experience sexual desire. Even those of us who choose to be celibate are subject to moments of temptation, shame, and guilt. For Christians, it can be a struggle at times because their religion prescribes sexual abstinence from all forms of sex outside the bounds of marriage. But this isn’t just a personal problem; it also impacts society as a whole.
The Church’s teaching on sexuality is based on the belief that sex is a gift from God to be shared between a man and woman in the committed, exclusive context of marriage. This view is not always popular in today’s culture, which tends to see sex as a recreational activity with no strings attached. But the Church’s teachings on sexuality are not based on hatred or fear of sex; rather, they are motivated by a desire to protect the beauty and sanctity of human sexuality. This script will provide biblical principles for managing sexual desire as a Christian and offers a plan that will help you to grow in holiness while remaining true to your sexual desires.
There are many reasons why the Church advocates for sexual abstinence outside of marriage.
1. Sex is an expression of love and should be reserved for the committed relationship of husband and wife.
2. Sex outside of marriage can lead to physical and emotional harm, such as STDs and unplanned pregnancies.
3. Church teaches that sexual activity should be open to the possibility of procreation; it is not meant to be a purely recreational activity.
Of course, these teachings can be difficult to live up to, especially in a culture that is so sexualized. But Christians are not alone in struggling with sexual desire; it is a human problem, not just a religious one. And there is hope for those who struggle with it.
- 1 What the Bible Says About Sex
- 2 How to Manage Sexual Desire as a Christian
- 3 1. Avoid unnecessary sexual stimulation.
- 4 2. Pray for help and guidance.
- 5 3. Appreciate reality.
- 6 4. Seek accountability and community.
- 7 5. Redirect your desires.
- 8 6. Be patient with yourself.
- 9 7. Remember your ultimate goal.
What the Bible Says About Sex
The Bible discusses sex on numerous occasions, with the main message being that it is meant for bonding a married couple together (1 Corinthians 7:2-5, Hebrews 13:4). It states that having sex outside of marriage is a sin and that sex should only be practiced within the confines of monogamous, heterosexual marriage (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).
The Bible also teaches that sex is a good gift from God and is to be enjoyed within the context of marriage (Proverbs 5:18-19, Song of Songs 8:4). In fact, the Bible has a lot to say about sex and sexuality, and it is clear that God wants us to enjoy this good gift in a way that is honoring to him. When we follow his commands, we experience the fullness of what he intended for us.
How to Manage Sexual Desire as a Christian
The unmarried should develop self-control and godly coping mechanisms to deal with sexual desires. The sex drive is a blessing from God, thus we cannot get rid of it and should not even attempt it. However, for the benefit of His folks and the honor of His name, we should learn how to restrain our sexual urges and use them solely in accordance with God’s wise precepts. Now let us discuss some practical ways how to do that.
1. Avoid unnecessary sexual stimulation.
This is probably the most important thing to do. Just like with any other temptation, if we put ourselves in situations where we will be constantly bombarded with sexual images and messages, it will be that much harder to resist the temptation to act on our desires. This might mean avoiding certain places, people, or activities that tend to lead to sexual thoughts and feelings. It might also mean being more thoughtful about the media we consume, making sure that it is not unnecessarily sexually graphic or explicit. So be mindful of what you watch, listen to, and read. Be intentional about filling your mind with things that are honoring to God and that will help you to stay focused on him.
2. Pray for help and guidance.
When we are struggling with any temptation, prayer is always our first recourse. We should not be ashamed to admit our struggles to God and ask for his help in overcoming them. We can also turn to the Bible for guidance on how to deal with sexual desire. Many verses address this issue, and they can provide us with wisdom and direction.
3. Appreciate reality.
A lot of times, our sexual desires are more a product of our imagination than anything else. We see someone we find attractive and our mind starts running wild with all sorts of fantasies. But it’s important to remember that those fantasies are not reality. The person we are attracted to is a real person, not some idealized version of them that we have created in our minds. When we can see people as they are, it can help to take the edge off of our sexual desires.
4. Seek accountability and community.
It can be helpful to find someone you trust—a friend, family member, pastor, or counselor—with whom you can openly discuss your struggles with sexual desire. This person can provide support and accountability as you work to overcome this temptation. Additionally, being involved in a supportive Christian community can be beneficial. When we are surrounded by people who love and care for us, it will be easier to resist the temptation to act on our desires in ways that are not honoring God.
5. Redirect your desires.
One way to deal with sexual desire is to redirect those desires into other areas of your life. If you find yourself constantly thinking about sex, try channeling that energy into something else—something that is productive and positive. You can take a walk, read a book, start a new hobby, or even take a cold shower! The important thing is to find something that will help you to redirect your thoughts and focus on something else.
6. Be patient with yourself.
Overcoming any temptation takes time, effort, and patience. Change does not happen overnight. So if you find yourself struggling with sexual desire, don’t be discouraged. Keep fighting the good fight, and know that God is with you every step of the way.
7. Remember your ultimate goal.
Ultimately, our goal is not to simply suppress our sexual desires but to grow in holiness and become more like Christ. When we keep that goal in mind, it can help to put our struggles into perspective. Our sexual desires are not bad in and of themselves. It is only when we act on them in ways that are outside of God’s design for human sexuality that they become a problem. So as you work to overcome this temptation, remember that your ultimate goal is to become more like Christ. And know that he is with you every step of the way.
Sexual desire is a natural and normal part of our human experience. But as Christians, we are called to live in a way that is pleasing to God. That means learning how to deal with our sexual desires in a way that is honoring to him. We can do this by being mindful of what we consume, praying for help and guidance, appreciating reality, seeking out accountability and community, redirecting our desires, being patient with ourselves, and remembering our ultimate goal. With God’s help, we can overcome this temptation and grow in holiness.

Hi, I’m Robert Jones, the passionate soul behind the words at As a writer and devout believer, my journey has been an exploration of faith, prayer, and the profound impact of Christian living.